Sunday 15 February 2009


Sunday, Sydney and it was raining but in true British fashion, we donned our waterproofs and walked from Bondi Beach to Bronte beach where George and Liz swum.  Liz rather wary of seaweed even though we were swimming in protected water, every little piece behaves like a shark and there have been lots of shark warnings and shark attacks too.  There were some surfers who are always worth watching as they glide about in their black suits easily moving about in great waves searching for the perfect roller.  After finishing the end of the fish market harvest for lunch and sitting about for a while, George took us to their nearest swimming beach, another penned off area.  It was rather dark in the water and despite assurances from George, the image of sharks tearing their way through the bars from Jaws watching came close to prevailing and Liz squeaked a lot whilst she swum just in case squeaks might put off predators.  It is a striking visual combination, sand and sea and ships and Sydney city in the distance with the Bridge clearly visible.  
We were up early this morning to visit the John Colet School where we joined Assembly, sang Immortal Invisible, God only Wise, and the Australian National Anthem.  It is always fun to hear prayers so usually intoned in English accents rendered into Australian.  The charming head girl and boy showed us round and then we spent an interesting time with the Headmaster who amused us with some photographs of him with a younger Richard washing up at Waterperry and a photograph of a St James Assembly sporting 3 Edmunds boys, Nick, Sam and Bun.   Tonight we visit John Snowden, and off in the morning to Bright and Bill Brooks before a visit to Melbourne followed by Tasmania.  It is quite possible that it may be a week before we post up any more pictures or add any posts.

1 comment:

  1. Well Mum and Dad,
    It sounds like you're having a wonderful time and so relaxed and chatty, you can tell from the great blog!

    London life continues coldly, but happily and we all miss you- RXXXX
