Monday 9 March 2009

Auckland to Coromandel and back

We went in to the Auckland harbour area for supper before hopping in to our two double beds which Ventura Inn provide, we wondered if this is for very fat people! Also they had a swimming pool which was on the roundabout in front of the reception, all blue but fenced in so that you would be sipping your pina coladas and doing your lengths whilst the traffic whirled past you. George and Sophie arrived while we slumbered and in the morning we took off via the coast road towards Coromandel which is a beautiful stretch of beaches and coves running up the east side of the North Island. Except for the fact that the road went up and down like a switch back and also wove a slalom like route, it was a great way to see that part of coast and mountains which in places tip down towards the sea. Arriving with Peter Bigge, who is just as nice as ever, we went for a swim at the end of his road which goes right down to the beach. There were quite good waves which knocked us about a bit. Peter and his wife Linda gave us a jolly nice dinner outside their house and we all departed for an early bed knocked out by sea and sun. The next day we explored back up the coast to Cathedral Cove. This is beautiful but you have to walk quite a steep path down and up and down and up again for about 40 minutes. Once there you have the most wonderful beach and sea and a huge cathedral like open arch made by the sea. Very good fun swimming there, whilst we were in the sea a large seagull opened Liz's bag and took out the packet of postcards which were in a brown paper bag. George took off up the beach after the naughty bird which caused a lot of mirth amongst other beach people. It finally dropped the bag in the sea so anybody who gets a salty pecked post card can blame the bird.
We had a cheerful evening at the fishing club in Wangamata which is where Peter lives, watched the tide go down emptying the estuary and again had a wonderfully early night. Peter cooks a great breakfast and on Monday after his scrambled eggs we left, heading back to Auckland in time to show George and Sophie the harbour and our Friday evening dinner spot, Portside which is just by the fish market. We took them to the airport, very sad to see them go after 4 weeks of seeing them every weekend.
We headed back in to Auckland, and to our rather smart serviced apartment which sports a washing machine and an iron so every garment which has been lingering in our suitcases has had spring treatment. Our first day here and we are taking life rather easy. We met up with Moles Julian and John her son for dinner, such fun to catch up with old friends, time just disappears and it made saying goodbye to G and S rather less awful

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